
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Second Chance by Deepika Muthusamy : Prologue


Seated at the front row of the Russian Sculpture Art Classroom, I ended up in a course I never imagined would join, but today I am all for my Kavya. I thought silently, my eyes fixed on the door with anticipation, eagerly awaiting her arrival.

Just then, a soft voice broke through my thoughts, "Hey, I'm Adira," a beautiful girl introduced herself with a graceful hand extension, her modern charm evident in every gesture. Yet, my gaze remained fixed on the door, and I was too preoccupied to respond to her.

Adira, noticing my distraction, teased, "Are you practicing for a staring contest with the door? Because if you win, your name will definitely go down in record books. But for that, I should probably know your name first!"

Just then, a guy from the back bench, Arjun, hopped in, attempting to make his presence known with a greeting to Adira. She responded politely but quickly turned her attention back to me, indicating her lack of interest in him.

"How should I call you, Mr...?" she trailed off, scanning the name on my ID card with mock seriousness.

"Karthik," I managed to reply, torn between discussions as my thoughts kept wandering back to Kavya's impending arrival.

But you can call him 'the guy with the wandering eyes,' Arjun replied, attempting to make an impression on Adira.

The classroom, with its colourful tables and attached chairs, set the stage for creativity. Each table seated only two people, and the semi-circle arrangement fostered engagement. 

Sunlight casted the room, illuminating a palette of colours and bringing life to the previous student artworks adorning the walls.

Adira, settled beside me without hesitation, asking, "Hope I can sit next to you?" It was impossible to refuse her, especially knowing we would be companions for the next six months in this program. 

However, deep down, I wished my seat were empty, hoping it would provide an opportunity for Kavya to sit beside me.

The main reason I signed up for this 6-month 'Sculpting the Russian Soul' course is Kavya; maybe I will sculpt my way back into her good books.

The mere thought of Kavya catching even a glimpse of me with another girl, —especially now, during this delicate post-breakup phase—sends shivers down my spine. It's a definite recipe for disaster and a massive turn-off for her.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Adira's question interrupted my thoughts once again as she placed her mobile and belongings on the table.

 "No, yes... I mean, Yes, waiting for the art instructor." I fumbled, masking my true intention behind a simple excuse of waiting for the instructor. As the Russian Art Instructor arrived and greeted us warmly and welcoming us, my thoughts were disturbed as Kavya was not here yet. 

He took a brush and in a fraction of a second, he started scribbling on the canvas. What began as mere strokes quickly transformed into a beautiful piece of art, captivating everyone in the class. It served as a perfect ice breaker. While the entire class was mesmerized by his creation, I found myself gazing towards the door, lost in my own thoughts.

Why hasn't she come? A voice at the door interrupted my thoughts. Everyone's attention turned towards the person at the door. It was Kavya, stunning in an olive-green Kurtha, her arms filled with materials for Russian sculpture painting. 

She stood there, a hint of sweat on her face, clearly in a hurry, apologizing for being late to class. From her body language and my familiarity with her, it was evident that she would have chosen to change two metros, take at least three buses, or even walk a few meters just to reach this venue. The instructor gestured with his right hand for her to come in, and then signalled her to take a seat as she walked slowly searching an empty spot.

Coincidentally, I was also, in an olive-green shirt with the look she always liked — a slightly trimmed beard and a formal appearance — hoping she would fall in love with me again.

"Arjun, switch seats with me," I quickly whispered, and Arjun and I interchanged seats. With a swift exchange, I strategically ensured there was a vacant seat next to me for Kavya to occupy. There were no other empty seats as they were all occupied.

Kavya walked into the art class with a mix of nervous energy. As she stepped into the room, the familiar smell of paints and the soft murmur of conversations filled her senses. She took a deep breath, ready to lose herself in the world of colours and creativity.

However, when Kavya scanned the room for a place to sit, her eyes widened in shock and anger on seeing me. 

Would she sit next to me, or would she consider leaving the program upon seeing me here?

Click here to Read Chapter 1

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Definition of Love : A Heartfelt Surprise

It’s 12:00 A.M, and the rain drizzles softly,  

As if the world itself is joining my birthday celebration.  

Standing with the gifts, beside the jacuzzi,  

I watch the rain play across the open-theatre.

I remember every time I said, "I love you," you would just smile and turn away.

You never acknowledged my words or whispered "love you too" in return. 

Instead, you always brushed it off, calling me dramatic or flim-eee.

Whenever I asked, "Will you marry me?"  

Your answers were never straightforward;  

"Don’t you already know?," You always replied with a mysterious shrug.

Can you believe it? In all these years we have shared,  

Whether in our relationship or through marriage,

Never ever once you said "I love you."

Maybe that attitude is what drew me to you,  

Making me fall deeply and passionately.  

Yes, I couldn’t help but fall for you, 

And you crafted moments to lead me to propose you.

With all of this, I had come to believe,  

That practicality was all that you were,  

That I should expect no love languages 

or grand gestures from you.

But now, as you slowly removed your shirt,  

My heart skipped a beat.  

At first, I thought, "Oh no, not another child!"  

As you revealed the gift with love in your eyes,

My eyes fixed on it, and I was left dumbstruck.

Never in my wildest dreams 

Did I imagine you would go this far.

Lost in the moment, unable to speak.  

Your gesture shattered my expectations,  

Leaving me breathless.

There, etched onto your chest, was my name— A PERMANENT TATTO

I was flabbergasted, and in that moment,  

Still I am wondering about your love with confusion.  


The love you have for me is so hard to follow,  

And, I find myself unable to fully express it in words.