
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Touch of Mist Book Review by Nachi

Touch of Mist - Book Review by Nachi

Source - Mobsmile

It was my second book this year; fortunate to read this book very early after publication.  It is also my second book of a female author following Preeti Shenoy's "Life is what you make it". I expect a good love story with intriguing scenes; well, I am not disappointed.

It is an easy read; It has nearly 200 pages where I finished in 3 hours. The book contain main two characters; Reena and Gautham, two IT employees fall in love with each other. Their parents open heatedly accepts their marriage. They soon got married and lived happily ever after.
I know what are you asking, No problem at all? Is this a fairy tale ? Humans always have problem, don't they? Yes, they do. Their problem is themselves. Gautham behaves completely like a man where Reena does like a woman. They share their opinion which leads to argument which leads to fight; then they got separated, they missed each other, finally they reconcile. Interestingly, It was not happened once. Through out the book, it happened 4 or 5 times but not in one scene you feel like bored. We can easily imagine their lives with ours.

The other two main characters is Gautam's dad and his friend Kishore both giving relationship advises. Others are just passing clouds. Overall, it is an awesome work by an debutant author Deepika Muthusamy. She has a long road to go. I never felt like reading a female author book. She matched superbly with male thoughts through out the book.

Source -


  • Gautham's character is lovely; he is the matured, soft nature guy that ever woman needed in their lives. But at the end he turns completely like Reena.
  • Reena's has a mixed character; She is very matured, innocent and at times foolish and helpless. Her character develops well after her suicide attempt. I want to thank Deepika for that, how many female authors giving less importance to female character.
  • Kishore's character is a great relief because the first phase of the book has only Reena and Gautam. It's good to have the third guy; he was good in advise. He does that through out the book.
  • Gautam's dad has less dialogues but his character is a remembered one. 
  • Scooter drenched scene, Cricket stadium scene, Walk at the night scene, Proposal scenes, earth quake scene, Gautam and Reena's fight are the best scenes in it.


  •  Gautam and Reena's fight was interesting at first. But they keep doing that through out the book obviously for different reasons which makes a slight discomfort. 
  • Reena became a social activist and got famous towards the end. It was really filmy.
  • Honestly, no love making scene in a love story but has two or three romantic scenes.
  • Overall, a good read worth for your time. 

Touch of Mist Book Review by Nabanita

Book Review - Touch Of Mist

 Title: Touch Of Mist
Written By: Deepika Muthusamy
About Deepika Muthusamy (From the book) –

A blogger and an avid trekker, Deepika Muthusamy enthrals us with her debut novel, “Touch of Mist” as she captivates her readers by delineating human emotions at its depth. Charming and versatile, she is set out to elucidate her theory of life through her novel.

ISBN: 978-81-8253-440-7

Cover Price: Rs. 250.00

Rating:  3/5

Something about the book (from the book’s cover):

Reena was distraught. It seemed unbelievable that she too had succumbed to this rat race of life. The consequences had been dire: a marriage that had broken even before the profundity of those three magical words, “I Love You” could sink in.

“Touch of Mist” is a glitzy, modern-day love story of two young, sophisticated, IT professionals, Gautham and Reena, who meet by chance, sparks ignite and they fall head over heels in love with each other.

They tie the knot and start a new life. But no sooner do they do that that fights erupt and egos clash. The first casualty is love, which plummets and marriage turns miserable; break-up beckons and the relationship dies.

Aftermath. Does Reena commit suicide or fall in love with another person? Does she reconcile with her first love Gautham?

This story meanders through different emotions that touch the lives of the protagonists such as love, friendship, marriage, heartbreak, grief, anticipation, humour, disgust, joy, fear and ends with a heart-warming credo that “Life is to Live”.

Now for my View:

The work load at office these days is so much that it has really been hard to keep up with my reading. But having assured Deepika that I would review her book, I had to find time. And so I did at the very first respite from work.

‘Touch of Mist’ is a love story about two young IT professionals, Gautham and Reena. They met, fell in love and sailed into the sunset after their wedding. But wait, was that all there was to it? Definitely not, that’s when their story began. Their love suddenly was clouded with ego clashes which then became the only discernible truth about their relationship. Deepika began her story where other stories end and that’s what I liked about this book in the first place. What happened next? That’s what the story is about.

It’s nice to see a blogger come out with a book. And hence the book became a tad bit more special. I would definitely recommend it.

‘Touch Of Mist’ is an easy read and I finished it in a span of just 2 or 3 hours. A book that holds your attention right from the first page up until the last is a winner in my mind. AndDeepika’s first novel does just that.

Easy Read!

Touch Of Mist’ is about modern day relationships and emotional upheavals that couples go through. All in all a great attempt by Deepika in her debut.

Of course, editing is one aspect which could have been improved. It seemed to have been neglected, which if done properly would have only added to the charm of the book.

I think the story and the subject that Deepika chose for her first book had a great potential. It could have been even better but then what you get is not a less enjoyable read at all.

So give it a try and let me know your views on the book.