
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Bucket List

What are the 10 things you want to do before you die was the popular post in Today's IndiSpire and here is my list. Click here to read my Top 5 things on my Bucket List 
  1. To take one inspirational Video that would change few people’s life.  [Reached more than 3 lac views]
  2. To start my Second Novel and get it published by one of the top publishing house. 
  3. Leave all the Gadgets and Stay one month in Ashram
  4. Take up Chadar Trek
  5. Run a Marathon without Snail pacing.
  6. To start a business. 
  7. To Start organic/Terrance gardening at my home
  8. Take my parents for a long vacation. 
  9. To Bag the winner title in at least one of the Indiblogger contest.
  10. Educate a Child. 
I am so happy to see this post displayed in the Home page of Indiblogger website with maximum voting. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Wash Bucket Challenge

A while ago, BlogAdda organized #IsLaundryOnlyAWomansJob activity and I have shared "5 Tips to make your husband help in Laundry"  and won the contest,

As a result of its success, Ariel in association with BlogAdda hunts for the Men who is good at washing. They open up a competition "India's Washer Number one" for all men. All they wanted to do is to take up the #WashBucketChallenge and share their experience.

P.S - India's "India's Washer Number one" is purely fictional and not intended to hurt any fan's sentiments.

All our famous personality takes up the  #WashBucketChallenge and are proud to share their experience. Like other competition,  this contest do have elimination round and only one will be declared as "India's Washer Number one".

First our Hero Rajini:

Rajnii to Directors, "Kanna, no more mass introduction or mass opening songs or heavy stunts or fight scenes or Deepika Padukone needed for my opening scene. All my future movie will opens with a washing scene. Because I love washing."
IWN Contestant Number One (IWN RJ 1)
Next Shah Rukh,
IWN Contestant Number One (IWN SR 2)
The complete "India's Washer Number one" set goes out of power and become dark. After few minutes, a bright light appears and the controversial god-man Nithyananda enters and shares his experience. 

IWN Contestant Number One (IWN NA 3)
Next Contestant, TamilNadu's Mass Hero Vijay.
IWN Contestant Number One (IWN VJ 4)

Next Contestant, "IWN VA 5", the Indian chess Grandmaster Viswanathan Anand
IWN Contestant Number One (IWN VA 5)
The competition comes to an end and the chief guest of the program Lord "Ardhanareeswara" is invited to talk few words about the Contestant performance, #WashBucketChallenge, #sharetheload and to declare the winner.

"I, Ardhanareeswara (Shiva-Parvati), androgynous form of the Hindu god symbolizes the equality of male and female as one. Indirectly, I am preaching every male to share the Load of laundry with the ladies of the house"

Now, its time to declare the winner. And the title "India's Washer Number one", goes to. . .
Goes to. . .
Goes to. . .

Tensed for Results...
Each and Every one of you bags the title.

Whoever shares the load at home are the real champions. 

Here are the Top 5 Reasons for Men to wash their clothes:

  1. Don't have to complain that wife has forgotten to empty important things out of the pant and Shirt pocket. 
  2. No Tension of getting caught about Cigarette packets. (DISCLAIMER - SMOKING IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH.)
  3. Pizza Bill, Movie bills spent with friends (if in case forgot to trash), can be caught by our-self and disposed while washing. 
  4. "No Fear of wife's scolding in case of dirt". Before she scolds, you can switch on the washing machine, put your favorite cricket channel and wash (watch) the match and wash the clothes.
  5. Consume less Cost (No cost) for cooling wife's rage. 
Here are the Five people I am nominating to take up the #WashBucketChallenge. 
  1. My brother Vignesh
  2. My Friend Anil Kumar
  3. My Very little Sister's Son, Sanjith Raghav (Must say, he was inspired on observing my dad washing the clothes. He wants to wash his clothes by himself and hence I am nominating him to make him happy)
  4. My Friend as well as my brother Siva.
  5. Finally, My acquaint blogger RZ. 
And now the nominees, all you have to do is
  1. Click a picture of yourself in the household using the Ariel Matic pack with your washing machine.
  2. Post your experience of taking the #WashBucketChallenge in my comments section.
My Bother Vignesh, shares his experience of taking #WashBucketChallenge

My Brother accepts WashBucketChallange
"My Mom's always screech that I am 28 and I need to get married soon, so that my wife will take care of my things like washing and cooking. WTH? Do I need to get married for the sake of washing my dress and cooking? But I was not having a strong answer to reply back. After taking up this #WashBucketChallenge I can give her a reply, "Mom, Now, I know washing and can wash by myself. Can you postpone my marriage for another two years. Let me enjoy my bachelor's life"

Here is RZ sharing his washing experience,
"Rz is basically a cleanliness freak. Unfortunately, he is a conservative as well, so he did not wash any of his clothes, for he suspected that this guilt will kill him for loads of wasted water than the soiled clothes itself. Once in a bluemoon, he would send his faded faded jean to laundry service only when the blue jean looks faded brown. 

So today, his online acquaintance and an avid blogger, D, sent him the #WashBucketChallenge. Since NZ was playing it terribly anyway, and since the harsh sun seemed much friendly than reading some blog posts, he went and took the challenge head on.

The results were nothing short of the ordinary. The conservative he is, his washing utensil is just a tumbler of water, a spoon and a toothbrush. This makes microeconomic sense, though. Soaking for 2 minutes(Yes! less than the maggi making time)by applying just few teaspoons of ariel solution of water on the dirty spots of his jean and scratching with his old Cibaca toothbrush and VOILA! The jean was restored to garment factory fresh condition"