
Saturday, April 6, 2024

Second Chance: Chapter 2 - Suicide Point, Unexpected Beginnings

 Chapter 2 - Suicide Point Unexpected Beginnings

Click here to Previous Chapter 1 

Karthik's bike roared to life as Kavya settled in behind, her expression concealed. Determined to decipher her mood, he adjusted his mirror, craving a glimpse of her face. His thoughts wandered, grappling with the haunting question, "Wasn't there anything about me worth fighting for in our relationship?"

The red traffic light interrupted his reverie, prompting a journey back in time, fifteen years back. "They say marriages are made in heaven," he murmured, "but ours... it was dawned at Suicide Point."


Our story unfolds at Suicide Point, a picturesque spot in Yercaud, a hill station where our families organized an annual trip each year. I vividly remember those days; fresh out of college, we eagerly awaited our final semester results. 

Since childhood, my heart held a deep affection for Kavya that endured through the years. However, despite knowing me since birth, she never seemed to reciprocate any profound friendship towards me.

Pausing for coffee near the scenic suicide spot, savoring the chill weather, Kavya ordered a coffee for herself, and I pretended to be unsure about whether I wanted tea or coffee.

I asked her if I could taste her coffee to help me decide and without waiting for her answer, I took a sip from her cup and exclaimed, "Hmm, Lovely! I will have coffee too".

Her response was quick with a smirk, "No, no, you keep this one. It's a saliva blend now. I will get a fresh one."

Before her new coffee arrived, her father approached, burdening me with the family business responsibilities.

"Karthik, studies are done. Join us and learn the business", he urged.

Our families had been business friends for decades, my father chimed in, "Take over in six months. We deserve a break!"

Feeling annoyed with the business discussions, I muttered to myself, "Oh gosh... There it is again, the business talk."

I excused myself under the pretext of checking our car's security, "Wait, Dad! I'm not sure if I locked our car. Let me go check real quick!"

Before leaving, I wanted to take Kavya with me. "Hey Kavya, want to join me?" I asked hopefully.

She smiled gently and declined, "I'm tired, Karthik."

Persisting, I added, "Just a short stroll. Trust me, It will refresh you."

She hesitated for a moment, then relented with a nod, "Alright, let's go"

As we walked, she quizzed, "Our car's that way, why are we going the other way?"

"I just needed a moment away, with you by my side," I teased, a playful wink adding a touch of mischief to my words.

Caught off guard, she playfully remarked, "Nice try," her eyes gleaming mischievously as she added, "Not sneaking for a smoke break, are you?"

"No, no, just needed some fresh air," I reassured exhaling a misty breath to emphasize my point. I chimed in, "That discussion was suffocating."

Her soft voice advised, "If you don't want to get into business, tell them upfront."

The chill embrace of the weather and the misty ambiance draped us, accompanied by the scent of roasting corn nearby. We instinctively rubbed our hands together, seeking warmth in the cold. But in a fleeting moment, the mist disappeared, revealing the picturesque scene before us.

Spotting a stunning viewpoint, Kavya posed, urging me to capture the beauty. Ah, the days of limited film rolls and no instant retakes!

As her hair danced in the wind, I couldn't resist the urge to make a slight adjustment for the photo. Not wanting to miss the chance of getting closer to her, I gently moved closer, savoring the scent of her hair as I reached out to arrange it.

With careful movements, I smoothed out the strands, relishing the softness and texture of each one as I helped her gather them. The intimate moment allowed me to appreciate her beauty close, and I found myself lost in her.

"Hey, go and click the photo quickly before the mist returns!" Kavya exclaimed.

With precision, I meticulously captured her in just one picture, freezing that beautiful moment in time.  

Reflecting on the past, I realize how fortunate we were not to have the instant review and retake feature on our smartphones back then. Nowadays, she would probably ask for a thousand shots until my phone battery died just to get that flawless picture.

As I carefully placed the camera back into its pouch, a fortune teller with a rattle-drum approached us.

With confidence, the fortune teller declared, "Your future bride is here!"

Kavya playfully scanned the crowd, pretending to search for my destined bride. The fortune teller pointed at her, affirming, "She's the one."

She chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Meee?, marry him? That's a good one! But, He is more like my 'bro-daddy' type. I can't image my life with him"

"Bro type, huh? Why do you girls always corner us with bro types?" he countered, glancing at Kavya. Looking at the fortune teller, he added, "Well, marrying her? That's definitely not on my wishlist; can't even imagine us twinning in matching outfits!"

"Whoa, slow down there" But just as Kavya was about to continue, the fortune teller interrupted with a shake of his rattle-drum, creating a loud noise. "The signs are clear; you two have already started arguing. It's like the first requirement of a marriage"

"Hey, why are we arguing? He is just babbling some random stuff to squeeze some extra cash, thinking we are a couple who will feel happy about it."

The fortune teller, irked by my comment, stated firmly, "I have been doing this for over 30 years. And mark my words, you will return here with her" he pointed at Kavya, "after your wedding."

The unexpected prediction took us by surprise, and our parents overheard our conversation. This idea registered in the back of their minds as a seed of possibility. Throughout the trip, they discussed envisioning our future together, and before our trip had even concluded, our engagement date was finalized.

It seemed that the idea of marrying Kavya to me had been brewing in their minds for some time, and the palm reader's prediction simply ignited that spark.

And so, our journey as a couple began at Suicide Point, where we experienced a blend of breathtaking highs and daunting lows, much like the ups and downs of relationships.
As the traffic light switched to green, a cacophony of car horns filled the air, snapping me back to reality. Kavya's urging to move forward echoed in my ears and I zoomed the bike.

To be continued...

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

My First Love

Ah, the sweetness of #firstlove! The fluttering hearts, butterflies in the stomach, the rosy cheeks, and the shy glances—except mine wasn't a typical love story. No, my heart belonged to something on wheels, something that whispered promises of pride: "My First Car". They say #lifepartners are meant to travel the journey together, but here is my life partner: my car, truly my #travelpartner.

In 2010, in my small town of Erode, seeing a woman behind the wheel was as rare as spotting a ghost—utterly non-existent. Yet, I made the decision because I couldn't bear to see my dad commuting by bus or two-wheeler anymore. And so, the quest for a car commenced. 

Those days Chevrolet Sparks were everywhere, with those cute ads blinking on TV. But they were too pricey for me. I went for the Tata Nano—small, affordable, and perfect for the roads. However, dad was skeptical, comparing it to an auto-rickshaw. Then, there was Maruti, safe and secure like a government job. Yet, I hesitated, remembering my sister's wedding gift Maruti Alto.

So, the search for the perfect car continued. We scoured through various brands until we stumbled upon Hyundai's showroom. And there he was—the Eon, with his stylish body shape and irresistible charm.

Took a test drive, instantly fell in love, and made my mind: he's going to be mine. I felt a connection and knew we were meant to be together.

At 3.58 lakh, it was a hefty sum for a young woman like me. Pulled together all my savings from those many years and made the decision to bring him home. I'll never forget the sheer joy plastered across my face as I embarked on my trip with Mom and Dad by my side. That car wasn't just a mode of transportation; it was my emotions.  

Every single week, I would travel back to Bangalore, leaving my man behind, much like a man who leaves his family for work. I left him, promising that I would be back soon. Meanwhile, my dad would diligently clean the car every single day to keep it spotless. My cousin Sanju, who was just 2 years old at the time and adored cars, would eagerly take off his shirt and offer it to clean the car. 

Not a single scratch, not a single mistake—every time I took the car out, it took care of me. We attended weddings together, embarked on temple trips to Pollachi, and even spent a week at a farm alongside him. It felt like the car was the fourth member of our family. So many cherished memories, including that unforgettable drive through the hills of Ooty. 

Wait, wait, I almost forgot about the naming ceremony! It was the tradition in those days, we used to paste all our family names, including maternal, paternal, and sisternal names, on the car. You could leave someone's name off the marriage invitation, but you couldn't miss anyone's name on the car; But Well, Instead of names, I adorned it with a sticker declaring "I love my dad and mom" on the car. It's like a tattoo projecting my love for it.

I won't bore much with the mushy details of my love and emotions—all I could say is it's so close to my heart. 

***Intermission ***

I tied the knot, and like every love story, a villain appeared in the form of BOY BESTIE my husband, ready to give a twist, shake, and brake to the love story that started so many years ago. He always had a soft spot for my car because it was cute, small, and compact—a city dweller's dream. While I preferred to keep my love cruising at a modest 60 km/h, he had other plans, revving it up to a wild 120! Every time he presses the accelerator beyond 100, I would feel like he's trying to pull my heart out. He would always take it on bumpy roads, put sudden breaks, leaving my poor car with pain, and then he have the audacity to claim, "I'm handling it better than you😄!"

Life moved on, and I found out I was pregnant, but before I could even show him the pregnancy test results, he took away my car keys, declaring it unsafe for me to drive. "You'll vomit, get dizzy—not safe," he'd say. A first shock! Like a true BOY BESTIE besides, he was doing his job. 

After that, I had a child, and for the next three years, he insisted, "No, let the boy grow, no more driving." For almost four years, I couldn't touch my car, and in frustration, feeling disconnected from my love for so long, I suggested selling my Eon, but deep down, I didn't mean it. The very next day, a man was waiting with my husband, ready to take my beloved car away. I reluctantly signed the papers for selling and name transfer. My love was taken away without a second look, and the pain I endured is indescribable. Sometimes our love story shatters in a single moment, and no matter how much we wish, it cannot be reverse and life rolled on.

Now, after many years, the discussion of a compact car arose again, and with it, memories of my first love story flooded back. Many years have passed, yet I still cannot forget my Eon—it's more than just a car to me. No one knows the depth of what I went through. 

We visited numerous showrooms and explored various car options. With each car, I found some ridiculous reason to reject, just like the simple excuses we use to dismiss potential suitors during bride-seeing ceremonies—no mustache, too fair, his name is too name it! My reasons for rejecting cars were: it's too big, not stylish enough, doesn't have that girly vibe. 

Oh, then I was practically forced into this marriage with my car. I mean, forced to stick to this KWID. Look at Mr. Climber over there, he looks seriously <BEEP BEEP CENSORED>! He couldn't stand next to my Eon even if he tried!I wasn't ready to imagine anything coming close to what my Eon means to me. "You were my first love, I can't have anyone in your place," I silently whispered.

Just like a forced marriage where we whisper, "Dai, don't tie the knot, don't tie the knot!" There he is, tying my knot of marriage over. Well, I meant I paid an advance for Renault KWID, a month ago. 

But I really did not like him. I know I can't take it anymore; broken is broken, shatter is shatter. I firmly decided I don’t need KWID. I declined, realizing I didn't need it, and moved on. Yes, a car is an emotion for a few, especially when it brings such profound feelings for you and your family. When I was alone, it traveled with me, a faithful companion on my life's journey. For me, the Eon isn't just a car; it was my love and will be love, my trusted companion on the road(Journey) of life.

Yes, we all have these first loves—be it people, houses, cars, or jobs—that remain unfulfilled due to family situations or other circumstances. They leave an indelible mark on our hearts, shaping our memories and experiences for years to come. But the pain we carry remains hidden because, as they say, life moves on.