Showing posts with label Positive Hub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Positive Hub. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Expiry Date of Women's Dreams

Dreams are the threads weaving our aspirations and desires. For women, these dreams often carry the weight of societal expectations, family obligations, and the influence of traditional norms. Despite our dreams, we sometimes feel steered by the hands of our spouses, in-laws, or our own families, subtly dictating the course of our aspirations.

Once, there lived a woman who had a little dreams. Her journey wasn’t straightforward but a struggled maze. Witnessing her struggles, the universe presented her with two choices: one leading her towards pursuing her dreams and other an immedidate growth. The chance that universe offered to pursue her aspirations, was a path strewn with challenges, uncertainties and demanding unwavering determination. 

Regrettably, her family proved to be unsupportive, each engrossed in their own pursuits, casting shadows on her chosen path. Torn between the secure conventional route and her dreams, she felt shattered under the weight of expectations.

In that vulnerable moment, a realization struck her—she alone held the reins to her dreams. However, the societal whispers and judgmental fingers held the power, influencing her subconsciously.

Amidst the chaos, seeking solace in a place of worship—a temple, she clutched two chits, one bearing her dreams and the other promising immediate growth through the conventional path. Seeking divine guidance, her heart brimmed with anticipation as she drew a chit.

The divine message suggested the familiar conventional path, promising immediate growth. Yet, in that moment, a silent but potent realization echoed within.

She felt disheartened by the choice presented by the divine forces, as it also appeared unsupportive of her aspirations. Had even one person, perhaps her life partner, offered support saying, "Pursue your dreams, I am here for you," she would have fearlessly embraced her aspirations.

Finally, a small chit emerged as the architect of her destiny.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Stuck on the Loading Screen-Overcoming Depression

My Mood has a skip Intro button, but I am struck on the loading screen.

One of the challenges of dealing with depression is that it is not always visible to others, making it difficult for them to recognize and understand what you are going through. In this article, we will shed light on depression and provide some practical steps to help you overcome it.

Depression can be a lonely battle. Sometimes, those around you may fail to recognize the signs of your suffering because Depression symptoms doesn't leave visible scars. It is crucial to remember that their lack of understanding does not invalidate your struggle. Some people may even dismiss depression as a mere fancy term or a way to escape from responsibilities. However, it is essential to recognize that depression is a genuine mental health condition that requires support and understanding.

Depression treatment options:
While friends and acquaintances may be occupied with their own lives, it is essential to seek support from your loved ones. Although they may not fully comprehend what you are experiencing, their presence and willingness to listen can offer solace during difficult times. However, relying solely on family and friends may not be sufficient to overcome depression entirely. It is crucial to explore additional avenues for support.

Depression causes:
To effectively deal with depression, it is important to identify the underlying causes. Depression can occur even in individuals who seemingly have a luxurious life or when everything seems to be going well. 

Often, depression stems from a deep-seated dissatisfaction or unfulfilled goals. If you find yourself overly fixated on a particular goal that remains unattainable, it can lead to feelings of despair and hopelessness. Identifying these triggers is a crucial step towards finding a way out of depression.

Seeking Professional Help:
While there are numerous resources available, such as counseling centers and helplines, it is crucial to remember that no single solution works for everyone. A qualified therapist or counselor can help you explore the root causes of your depression and develop coping strategies tailored to your specific needs. They can provide a safe space for you to express your emotions and guide you towards a path of healing.

Self-Care and Healthy Habits:
In addition to seeking professional help, practicing self-care and adopting healthy habits can significantly contribute to overcoming depression. Engaging in activities you enjoy, practicing mindfulness or meditation, maintaining a balanced diet, and getting regular exercise can all have a positive impact on your mental well-being. Building a support network of like-minded individuals who understand your struggles can also be beneficial.

Depression is a challenging condition that requires understanding and support. Remember, it is not a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of. By seeking support from loved ones, understanding the root causes, and seeking professional help, you can embark on a journey of healing and recovery. Remember that you are not alone in this battle, and there is light at the end of the tunnel. With perseverance and the right resources, you can overcome depression and regain control of your life.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Growing Together: What My Child Taught Me About Life and Love

In #Parenting, we are always looking for ways to teach and guide our children. But sometimes, it's the other way around. Our children can teach us valuable lessons about life, love, and happiness. Here are a few things that I have learned from my son:

1. Forget and live in the present

Children have an incredible ability to forget quickly and move on. They don't hold grudges or dwell on the past. They live in the present moment and enjoy every minute of it. When I scold my son, he forgets about it in a matter of minutes and shows his love towards me. We can all learn to let go of the past and live in the present.

2. Stand up for what is right

Children have an innate sense of what is right and what is wrong. They don't hesitate to stand up for themselves or others. My son has taught me to speak up and stand up for what is right, even if it means going against someone I love. We should never compromise on our values or beliefs.

3. Innocent love with no expectations

Children love unconditionally, without any expectations. They don't keep score or expect anything in return. They give their love freely and abundantly. We should learn to love like children, without any ulterior motives or expectations.

4. Happiness found in simple things

Children find joy and happiness in the simplest of things, like playing in the sand or blowing bubbles. They don't need expensive toys or gadgets to be happy. We should learn to appreciate the small things in life and find happiness in them.

5. Endless energy

Children have boundless energy, and they make the most of every moment. They run, play, laugh, and explore with enthusiasm and excitement. We should learn to approach life with the same energy and enthusiasm, making every moment count.

Children have a lot to teach us about life, love, and happiness. We just need to be open to learning from them. So, the next time you spend time with your child, pay attention to what they are teaching you. You might be surprised at what you learn!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Empowering Women 2.0: Balancing Career and Motherhood - How to Make a Comeback

Being an ambitious woman, taking a new role of mother and a maternity break was dead scary. Because my friends constantly complained that it would be difficult to commit to career after a child and there will be an impact to the career growth. But the maternity break made me realize, how women are blessed to take a break from career and to look after baby.

When I returned to work after my break, I was unprepared for the overwhelming experience that awaited me. It was March 2020, and everyone was struggling to adapt to the "new normal" brought by the pandemic. On top of that, I had to navigate the new challenge of balancing my job, caring for a newborn, and taking care of household responsibilities. Cooking, which was completely new to me, became a part of my "new normal."

The client had high expectations for the equally challenging project, which required the delivery of a new automation tool. Along with the new team members and client, there were also new skills to learn and weekend demands to manage. This made it feel like a completely new job, and it was difficult to balance work and motherhood. There were nights where I stayed up to comfort my crying son, making the challenge even more trying.

Despite this, I made the decision to accept my circumstances gracefully, much like a cocoon that fights to transform into a butterfly. I thought of ways to succeed both personally and professionally, and started by discussing my limitations with my partner. I created a plan to manage my time efficiently by completing all household chores and cooking for the day before 10:00AM. I also listened to automation videos while completing these tasks, effectively multitasking. With this approach, I was able to concentrate fully on my office work during the day and sometimes compensated by working on weekends.

Through my journey, I have learned some valuable lessons:

Firstly, planning is crucial. Taking the time to plan your day and upcoming week can be incredibly powerful. Don't underestimate your ability to overcome challenges. Instead, focus on how to handle the current situation and think of ways to overcome any obstacles.

Secondly, being a working mom is tough. However, it's equally important to remind ourselves how lucky we are to have this opportunity. When I focused on gratitude, it had a positive effect on my life.

Thirdly, when life gets tough, our minds may instruct us to quit. But leaving a job and staying at home can be just as hard. Yes, it's a challenging road, but the struggle is worth it.

Lastly, taking just 10 minutes for yourself can do wonders. Don't forget to prioritize "me-time" and take care of your own well-being.

Monday, September 27, 2021

The Importance of Self-Care: How Do You Practice It?

Taking care of yourself is essential for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. However, with our busy schedules and endless to-do lists, self-care often takes a back seat. That's why it's important to make self-care a priority and find ways to practice it in our daily lives.

So, what does self-care look like for you? Here are some ideas:

  1. Take some "me time." Set aside time each day to do something that you enjoy, whether it's reading a book, watching a movie, or simply relaxing.
  2. Take a break from work. It's essential to take breaks throughout the day to recharge your batteries and reduce stress.
  3. Travel to a new place. Exploring new places can be an excellent way to relax, gain new perspectives, and create new memories.
  4. Listen to an inspirational video. Listening to inspiring speeches or motivational talks can boost your morale and help you stay motivated.
  5. Meet with friends. Spending time with friends can provide a sense of social support, which can be essential for mental and emotional health.
  6. Enjoy your favorite food. Treat yourself to your favorite dish or cuisine from time to time.
  7. Take a nap or get enough sleep. Rest is essential for the body to recharge and recover from daily stressors.
  8. Indulge in spa-like treatments. Pampering yourself with pedicures, facials, clean-ups, or a new haircut can provide relaxation and rejuvenation.

Whatever self-care looks like for you, make sure it is frequent. Incorporating self-care practices into your daily routine can help you feel more balanced, refreshed, and energized. Remember that taking care of yourself is not a luxury; it is a necessity.

Discover the world through my lens at Blog at My Fun, My Memories, My Life

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YouTube: Popcorn Bytes

Stay inspired and keep exploring!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Ordinary Vs Extraordinary People

Featured post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Hanging out Vs Building Relationship:
Ordinary people love to gossip. They spend most of their time discussing about other’s life. They are more focused on short-term pleasure of hanging out with people and having fun.

Extra ordinary people also spend time with people, but they focus more on building relationships. They love to spend their time discussing about their passion, dreams and they always carry a vision for a better tomorrow.

Spend Vs Investment:
Ordinary people are more concerned on self-identity. They invest lot of time in buying things, branded cloths to impress others.

Extraordinary people are not concerned on the self-identity. But those self identity are automatically created. They spend most of their time and energy in creative fields, improving their talents. They know the difference between spending time and investing time.

Pleasure Vs Pain:
Ordinary people always wanted pleasure and fun. They are more concerned about feeling good at that moment. They don’t look at long-term result.
Extraordinary People Vs Ordinary people

Extraordinary people always look at the big picture. They always carry a fire and never look into the short-term pain. They always work towards their better tomorrow.

Fun Vs Knowledge:
Ordinary people spend most of time in games, serial, movies and restaurant which don’t lead any value to them.

Extraordinary people spend their time in books and videos to gain knowledge. They always look for valuable conference in the city and make their presence and time to attend the seminar.

Luck Vs Hard work:
Ordinary people believe success is based purely on luck and hence they never put effort in trying something new. They always find 1000 reasons why it failed and why it will go wrong. Ordinary people will not have a plan or a goal.

Extraordinary people believe in sacrifice, hard work and focus. They will have a clear short-term goal and a long-term goal. They know what they want to be in the next year, next 5 year, next 10 years.

Follow Vs Leader:
Ordinary people follow others. If everyone joins Engineering, they will join Engineering too. If Everyone says, that Modi government is bad, they acknowledge it.

Extra Ordinary people create their own path and make others follow them. They are not scared to choose a new path and fail.

Live to Eat Vs Eat to Live:
Ordinary people don’t care about their health. They love to eat junk, sleep till 11 in the morning and waste their night in smart phone and movies.

Extra Ordinary people value their time a lot. They sleep early and wake up early. For them health comes first.



Monday, May 28, 2018

Hello Techie.. Are you worried about layoff?

A few years before when I was with an organization, they announced that there would be layoffs. 90% of my batch mates were fired. They were too young to handle this termination. Layoffs are common when the market goes through a dark phase.

No one’s career journey is perfectly smooth. At some point, one must have faced either a lay-off, low-rating, delayed promotion or stagnancy in a role for several years. Always remember, a career path will always have lots of bumps in the road. One cannot expect their Career graph to have an increasing trend throughout. It will have ups and downs in a cyclical fashion. At some point, everyone feels they are struck.

Like up-skilling or re-skilling, we should learn to face these struggles with grace and resilience.  Cultivate a habit to accept the reality. Remind yourself that this is part of one's Journey and this situation is not a permanent one. It’s just a chapter along a journey. Always contribute your best effort and focus the learning and experience. This will help you to take your career to the next step.

Always remember:
  • Invest in your networks and your skills. You know that you’ll use them to make your next move. These actions will also make you better at your current job.
  • Avoid emotional pitfalls. Nothing in life is permanent, yet because you see your colleagues on a daily basis, it can be easy to think of them as a second family. However, work relationships should be only one of many sources of companionship.
  • Keep perspective. Your job is not the whole of who you are, nor does it determine whether you are successful in life. The happiest, most productive employees don’t rely exclusively on their jobs to give them purpose. They lead fulfilling lives outside work, too.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Interview with Rachana Krishna - Best Outgoing Student of VIT

Gone are the days where Best Outgoing Student Award are honored to the student with Highest Grades. These days, student should be highly creative, exhibit exceptional effort and must make a huge difference.

"Outstanding achiever" is every student's dream. 
I had the opportunity to interview Rachana Krishna who has bagged the VIT's Best Outgoing Student Award. In this interview, lets dive deep into Rachana's journey as she shares her interesting student life.

I hope students as well as others will find many of the tips useful and motivating.

Congratulations on achieving Outstanding Student award. Could you please introduce yourself?
Hi, I'm Rachana. I'm from bangalore, born and raised here. I did my B.Tech in Computer Science from VIT. Currently I'm working at Cisco.

What was your priority when you were a student?
When I started off B.Tech I only wanted to enjoy my engineering life but soon realised my kind of enjoyment lies in many things, achievements, accomplishments and not mere entertainment. Priorities are never a constant they keep changing with time. At each instance I had to focus on what was most important at that time and move ahead with it.

What specific activities did you engage in college to achieve outstanding student award?
Firstly, I never compromised on my main virtue as a student that is being academically good. I learnt the subjects to the best of my abilities and maintained good grades. Grades only matter to teach you school lessons but life lessons are completely outside of it. So I involved myself in a number of activities. I was always inclined towards sports and adventures and decided to become part of our college trekking club. I had a flair for speaking and writing as well and hence became a core member of some clubs and chapters like the Hindu E-plus, VIT community Radio for a short period. As I knew my strength was in the manegerial line I started working for my college fests and events.

How about your extra-curriculum activities? 
As I already stated, I'm into sports. I used to be an athlete in school. I couldn't really continue that in college however I used to swim in college as a hobby, play badminton occasionally. I also hit the gym in the evenings. I went on a number of treks and even organised trips to places like Coorg and Kerala where I had my share of adventure+learning. I did white water rafting, waterfall rappelling, kayaking, rock climbing.

What pieces of advice would you offer to the students who aspires for "Outstanding Student"?
One has to know what he or she wants in their life and there is no bigger achievement than this. A person who knows what he wants will make sure to reach the goal. By life I don't always mean the big picture but even small goals will do. Goals as small as hitting the gym everyday. They keep you motivated in life. This motivation can achieve anything in life.

Who was your mentor/s in your college? 
To be honest I have been my greatest mentor all life., because only you know what you want in life. However, My mom is my support system. I have a best friend from school who is often my go-to person to share with.

What was one challenge you faced during college and how did you overcome?
During college it's very common to look at others and compare yourselves. This is not wrong as long as you get something good out of it. But if this is something that's pulling you down its high time you understand that each one lives their own lives. I did face a lot of competition and was at many instances motivated to do what others were doing. But not everything is for everyone. When ever I thought someone was doing something really nice in their life I took that as a motivation to do something in my life. Peer-pressure if a big challenge, but I used it for my benefit. And ofcourse because I stayed in the hostel, I missed home a lot. This can often pull people down, so did it pull me. But I always remembered why I was here and what I as supposed to do.

What was your daily routine as a student and now as an Employee?
As a student first half of my day would be spent in classes and assignments. Second half I would spend some time on myself, meeting friends, gym, netflixing. I'm an early bird so my day ends a little quick. So far my life as an employee hasn't really changed much as I am still an intern and have my trainings.

Share us a time where you broke a rule for a student?
Oh I'm not a person who breaks rules usually. I don't think I have broken any major rules. Except I didn't always have an ID card around my neck. So yeah this was one small rule I broke.

What is your philosophy of life? 
You take  your life decisions because nobody knows you better than you. Have goals, they keep you motivated in life. The only people who matter in life are those who keep you going, ignore the rest. Work hard, party harder. And yeah there is no substitute to hard work. I believe that there are a number of success stories with smart work, but there are no failure stories with hard work.

What are your current interest and what is your learning right now?
I want to move into entrepreneurship and finance now. I'm reading more on these.

All the best for your dreams and Thank you so much for your valuable time! 
Congratulations Once again Rachana!  You truly deserve the award!!  Good luck with Everything!!! Cheers.

Friday, April 6, 2018

When Life Breaks You Down, A Fighter Reborn

I believe every woman has TRUE BEAUTY within her in all the roles she plays. For over 18 years across 650 plus salons across the country, Naturals has been helping the Beautiful Indian Woman get more Beautiful.
Today Naturals Salutes the Beautiful Indian Woman.
Presenting Naturals TRUE BEAUTY… 
This is a story about the a Women whom I feel "True Beauty"
What was your most painful life experience?
A Break-up? Insult by relatives or put-down by friends? Loneliness? dream getting shattered? Losing someone? No Job? Failure in Exam?
If you have answered “Yes” to any one of the above then read on…
Will a person who never ran in her life, would ever run a marathon?  Absolutely, Yes! They can!? What’s so special about it!? But, will a person decide to run a marathon after losing both legs?
Yes, That's the inspiring story of  Shalini Saraswathi who turned into an avid runner (a blade runner).
She made the decision of running when her life snatched both her arms and legs.

We all know about Nicholas James who has No Arms, No legs and No worries. Here is another inspiring story from our own India. It’s the story of Shalini Saraswathi.

It was when all my colleagues were complaining about office stress, spouse problem and concluded life hardly seems a worth living. At that point of time we received an email with a subject line Meet Bengaluru’s Blade Runner Shalini Saraswathi @ Bengaluru campus.

     While I was running a TCS 10K Marathon, I have seen her running but never in my mind realized she has such a beautiful inspiring life of positivism and determination. After attending her session, I realized why she is called as an icon of perseverance and hope.

Her story in short. Like millions of people out there, she had an extremely beautiful life,  successful career, a loving family and a great soul mate. She went to Cambodia for a honeymoon. After returning to India, She had to get admitted to hospital for a slight fever. Never in her wild dreams she would have thought some rare bacteria called Ricketssial would affect her and that would change her life upside down. Slight Fever led to multi organ failure and she went to coma for few days. Doctor declared her survival rate was 5%.

Next few years, she went to the hospital only to remove few of her flesh removed from her body every now and then. Shalini Saraswathi went on to lose all four of her limbs. But, that's not the end of the story.

The next year she realized she lost both the arms and both legs, but not her courage. A Fighter was reborn. She challenged the sky. “Does not matter what comes in my way, I will never give up and Don’t mess up with me”. She moved on from her pain and trained herself for a TCS 10k race in Bangalore.

Most of the time we listen to our mind which gives a lot of excuse. “Hitting snooze button”, “From tomorrow I will hit the Gym”, “From tomorrow I will start”. We love to listen to those lame excuses which mind offers and are addicted to it.

For Shalini, when her body did not help her to have what she wants, she trained her mind and made her body listen to her mind. It was not easy for her initially. When she went for a personal training no one knew how to train her. Yet, she overcome those struggles. How was it possible for her to come out it? She chose to look the brighter side. When her legs were about to amputate, she chose to wear a purple nail polish and admired it. That's the power of positivism she carried.

The one thing which was constant in her speech was “A big smile and a positive attitude”

Now tell me friends, can’t we deal with our problems more positively and happily? 
Small disappointments should never bother us. 
Everyone has scars around us, it’s in our hands and out choice to use those scars for a self-destruction or for a self-discovery.

Few lines from her speech today, “Walk in the rain, stick your tongue out and catch the raindrops, hold hands, feel the grass under your feet, smile at strangers, admire good-looking men/women, fall in love, call someone you have meant to, give big tight hugs, dance till you drop, wear your red lipstick, join that class you have always wanted to, buy the shoes you want, write a book, sing aloud, learn to play an instrument, bungee jump, sky dive, travel to Antarctica for all I care – LIVE TODAY AND LIVE IN THE MOMENT – you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow!”

Friday, March 30, 2018

Gratitude Journal for a Positive Life

Past few days I feel extremely happy and positive. I could sense my quality of life is improving a lot. I was meeting lot of new people with the same mindset of mine. I could feel my immune system has improved a lot.

What made me to feel this change? Adding a simple exercise in my day-to-day activity.

What’s that?

Gratitude Journal!!!

I started practicing gratitude daily. Every day at the end of the day, I started writing 2 positive things happened in that day.

Here are the positive things happened in past 3 days:

March 28:
  • Salary credited well in advance.
  • Had a delicious dinner with my Manager and functional team manager along with my project Head. Well, what’s so special about it? The quality discussion I had with them was wonderful.

March 29:
  • Meeting a girl of same mind-set. We shared same business, life and person goals. In fact both our paths were same.
  • Realized I am an active person. Out of 27 person, None are interested to play Badminton I really thanked god for giving an interest in sports

March 30:
  • Woke up at 4: AM and roamed Bangalore. Was searching for a zumba class and by mistake got into Sobha Lakeview Clubhouse. Yes, the doors were open and the security guy let me in thinking I have a membership with Shoba and stay in Shoba apartments. The Clubhouse was ravishing. I started exploring the 4 storied luxury club. It had a Swimming pool, Tennis Badminton, Squash courts, also Table tennis with spa,  gyms, a library and so on
  • The summer was unbearably getting hotter in Bangalore and I wished for a Rain. I requested the nature, "Please sky. Show some rain." To my surprise, around 4 PM, the weather got cooler with a heavy breeze and the rain spilled on my face endlessly. 
If you are positive, positive things happens in your life. The above things are extremely Small things. But matters a lot!

What are you waiting for? Grab a pen and write 2 positive things happened on that day. When you start writing this, you feel that your entire world is full of positivism. 

Well Most of us are surrounded with lot of negativity and it makes us to think that everything goes wrong and nothing goes right.

After starting this exercise, I am paying attention only to the positive things happening in my life.

I feel the sky is clear and people around me are good. My productivity in office has largely improved.

I would suggest you to start a gratitude Journal to have a positive impact in your life. Request you to pen down in notebook instead of typing in laptop.

Do post in comments what are the positive things happened today.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Betrayal in Relationship

Betrayal in Relationship 

"I was engaged to a man and we had period of 8 months before the wedding. Seven months passed ecstatically by exchanging lot of love, care, future dreams and plans. He made lot of promise regarding the marriage and kept iterating every now and then that I was his better half. One fine morning, he called only to inform that he needs to end the relationship. 
Even the last night, he was talking to me with lots of love and I had no premonition that our relationship is going to end the next morning. All of sudden, 7 months of hope and love came to an end for no reason" Her cheeks spilled over with tears. She hugged me tight and sobbed, her shoulders shaking until her eyes drained of tears.

I always go blank when I see my friends in such distress. I had no words to convince her. All I did was hug her back and say things will get alright.

When the dreams of leading a colorful life with a person you loved gets shattered in a moment, the emotional trauma is unbearable. All the promise they made collapse like popping of a balloon. You feel shell-shocked and cried out loud, without even knowing the reason for break-up. You reminisce and realize that you had given 100% effort in the relationship and the only mistake you did was loving them truly from the bottom of the heart.

In my friends case, we realized that he left her for another woman whom he found recently.

Betrayal in relationship!!!

My friend started to punish herself for trusting him so much and stared to blame herself. She started disconnecting from the world. This post is for the people who are in my friends situation.

To all those Prince and Princess out there, 
Remember, one ultimate rule of relationship. If a person loves you truly, he/she will never let you go or slip out of their hands, irrespective of the situation.
So, if a person decides to leave you in the middle, remember that this is best thing happened in your life. If a relationship comes to an end due to betrayal or broken promise, you have only one choice left.


People betray and its sad truth that the victim have to deal with chronic pain. Family might be there to give emotional support. But you tend to make them relax by saying, "I’m fine" and act as a strong person. Friends might be there to help you out, but its you who have to deal with this situation and come out.

How to Cope up with Betrayal:
  • Don’t spend time/energy on meaningless relationship. If a relationship has ended due to betrayal, don’t invest your productive time in convincing or unnecessary conversations. 
  • If a person is living happily after betraying you, why should you suffer just because you loved truly? I know it hurts. But it hurts to heal you. Down the line, you will feel happy that they are gone from your life.Don't think about Revenge or hurting them back. They don't even deserve your revenge. And, If you love(loved) them truly, you don’t even think of wounding the person. 
  • They have not realized your worth. But, I think you know your worth. So go out and pamper yourself.  Thank them for making you realize that there is a beautiful life outside them.
  • During the beginning stage, it’s a normal to feel void and empty, but remember universe or guardian angel has made your life empty to fill it with all the beautiful love in the future. 
  • Don’t get into relationship another new immediately. During this healing process, a person feels so fragile. So, until you feel strong and love yourself more, don’t ever get into another relationship. 
  • Get into the things that attract you more. To find out, what attracts you more, take a pen, paper and sit at quite place. Spend some 15 minutes and write down all the things you love doing. Whether it is small or big, don’t hesitate to put in words. When you are done or exhausted, chose top 3 things from the list. Start doing it for 66 days. Make that as an identity based habit. After few days, you will see lot of positive vibes flowing every day.
If you look back the history, betrayal has made a person only stronger. I am sure, after few months, you will be surprised to see a new version of you.

Final Note, What if the person who betrayed comes back for forgiveness? Again, you have only one choice left.
Because, it’s not worth another shot!

Don't settle for a playmate, when God has a soulmate waiting for you - unknown 

P.S Soul mate is not life. It’s just a part of life. Just be patience for few days. Soon you will find one and that day, you will thank the person who has betrayed you. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Power of Being you...

During my Teenage,
  • When I applied oil to my head, I was tagged “old-fashioned”
  • When I said not to tease my juniors, I was tagged “a person who doesn’t know to enjoy college life”
  • When I went library instead of movie, I was called dramatic queen.
  • When I asked doubts to the staffs, I heard comments that “I am putting soap to staffs.”
  • When I completed assignment’s well ahead of others, I was called, “Scene party”
  • When I did not spend money on un-necessary things, People said I am Kanjus.(miser)
Finally at the end of my college days, It was only me in my class got placed in a Multi-national company.

During my Adult,

  • When I voiced out my ambition, people said I am a day dreamer.
  • When I avoided people who back- stabbed me, People said I am dis-respecting them. 
  • When I suggested people not to use Plastics or not throw waste on roads, people said I am abnormal. 
  • When I stood for justice, (ie when I voiced out when a girl/child is abused), people said I am bothersome or over-reacting. 
  • When I gave the real justification for my mistakes, in other words, when I did not please them with a lie, people said I am an attitude person. 
  • When I did not encourage people who disparage, they said I never adjust. 

I agree, people who are jealous, back-stab and adjust (I mean who fit into that people's mindset of hurting, criticizing, discouraging others) have thousands of people around them.
The Power of you..
Of course, I have fewer friends and they can be counted.  But they are extremely valuable and they just do anything for me. After all, Diamonds can be bought in less number whereas sand or mud will be available enormous.

I also learned that people who are so stereotype in their views will keep on hurting you. Each person is unique and they have their set of customs. Its their life, their thoughts. Its your life and your thoughts. You can't match all the people's criteria. If you don’t match their criteria of religious, educational systems or believes, don't change for them. People who are broad minded enough will accept as you are. They will always fit into your puzzle and will never think bad of you.

Being different is beautiful and accepting difference is even more beautiful. If you are one among the person who always criticize good or different things, pleaseee its time to think and change. ... 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Women in Leadership - EMPOWER, ENGAGE, ELEVATE

This article was shortlisted and published in

Women in Leadeship
Women in Leadership

With the successful female entrepreneurs like Rajashree Nambiar, Naina Lal, Manisha Lath Gupta, Chanda Kochar, Priyanka Aggarwal,..Etc. it’s evident that women are overcoming the obstacles and reaching heights than anticipated. The situations are getting improved when compared to the decades and the percentage of women in leadership roles are substantial increasing. But does that not mean that, all women are proving themselves?. There are women who still settle for less or give up in the middle of their career journey.

How can organizations develop an environment to Empower women? Here are my views:

Revise the organization goals:

When the organization goals are scrutinized, it’s obvious that they focus only on the financial goals and customer satisfaction. On the other hand, an individual success are measured based on the individual deliverable. This needs to be revised. For a manager, the success factor has to be determined on how far they motivate their women sub-ordinates towards leadership goals. And for an individual, it should be determined based on how far they are preparing themselves for the leadership progression.

It’s a sad truth that men don’t prefer to work under a female boss. And the saddest truth, even women don’t prefer to work under a female boss. Female bosses are considered as dominant, vengeful and at times an assassination. Just because a person has had a bitter experience with a women leader, it’s not necessary that all the women will be the same way.

Organization should highlight the pros of having a female leader to both the genders and should train their women leaders to deal with employees. They should be taught that “Leadership position” is a highly influence position for others.

Organization can tie up with other organization and can appoint a mentor who would help and guide the women leader.

Re-define the definition of success:

Most of my friends believes that success of a woman is only when they have a good understanding life partner and kids. They are in fact tagged with the below formula.

Understanding Life partner + one caring daughter and one lovable son +financially well-settled = 100% success of a women.

Most of the women do not have a separate dimension for their professional life. A woman needs to be taught about the values of success in their career as well. They need to be trained and motivated towards leadership skills

Reasons for failure:

Every woman when born is so ambitious. Even when I joined the corporate, the corporate success journey of my Managing Director from an ordinary woman to an extraordinary leader was my inspiration. I aspired to become like her. But as the journey moved on, I tend to give up.

Women tend to give up their ambition easily due to the politics and criticism. Women are imposed to many myth from the childhood such as,

 "Success in corporate means No personal life." 
"High achieving women don’t respect their husband and family"

These myths make men to take a back seat in encouraging their women at home towards career ladder.

Also, we are tuned that Men are credible, focused and can handle situation and deadlines well when compared to women. Whereas women are too emotional and tend to give importance to family than career. Though these stereotypes are getting changed, men don’t acknowledge women and leadership traits that easily. The mindset of both male and female needs to be changed.

Finally, to all my dear sisters overs there, don't settle for less. Try something new every day. Keep experiment yourself everyday!!!

Nature gifted women with the bliss of Motherhood not only to nurture and inspire their own children, but to inspire and nurture many people through the Leadership...

Be an inspiring woman that every men would look for...

Written for  #EveryWomanIsALeader campagin.

There is an exciting competition conducted by It can win you an all expense paid trip to exciting destinations. Hurry up! Take part, pack and leave.

The link where you can participate: You can read more about the contest in that link.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Will of Steel Bhakti Sharma

This post has won the contest  JSW #WillOfSteel contest. 

“I started the journey the destination was unknown. 
Struggling my way up the hill and often rolling down…
With a forward pace and sometimes a reluctant slow…
Often walking in the dark towards an indistinct goal…
My travels were filled with endless efforts and moments of despair…
But they also brought tears of joy and millions of memories to share…”

Bhakti Sharma, age 25, an Indian open-water swimmer speaks about her Indescribable journey of swimming and her adventures achievements through a small poem at a TED talk.

If you are not aware of Bhakti Sharma, please do watch the video which is exclusively made for her.

Ice water swimming
I feel her entire journey must be strenuous. We would not be able to touch cold water. Practicing in ice cold water every day morning and swimming in cold water for more than 13 hours would definitely require intimidate. Breaking the world record at Antarctica is not an easy one. Due to the freezing temperature and antagonistic environment of Antarctica, there is a high danger of heart attack and hypothermia.

Imagine, there is ice everywhere, how are you going to swim?  So frightening. Isn't ? All I could do is, stop my imagination and continue my work. But Bhakti Sharma has swum against the 0-2 degrees water temperature to set/break the world record.

These achievements must have come after a lot of sacrifice. Her mother took voluntary retirement from a reputed bank to support Bhakti chase her passion.

In Country like India, where Sports means only cricket and awareness about swimming is very low finding sponsors for swimming would be another challenging one. The Antarctica expedition cost her 30 lakhs. Her proud parents did not step back on hearing the amount. They took loans to train and fund her travel.

Here are my 8 reasons to vote and support “BHAKTI SHARMA.”  I believe she is truly a deserving one for JSW WILL OF STEEL award:
  1. Breaking the world record for swimming in the Antarctic Ocean.
  2. Youngest swimmer to swim in 4 oceans so far
  3. Youngest swimmer to swim across 7 Seas so far
  4. For her Plans to train 10 local girls from scratch and guide them in open water swimming. 
  5. For setting Asian record - The first swim by a 3-member women’s relay team across the English Channel. (The three member team includes her mother Leena Sharma and her friend Priyanka Gehlot)
  6. First mother and daughter pair to swim across the English Channel and setting up a world record. 
  7. For taking a courageous journey in the adventurous water Sport.
  8. Taking risk - There is a possibility of  dangerous sharks and animals in Oceans. Once she was preparing herself to get into sea, the expedition team spotted Leopard Seals exactly where she had to swim. So they decided to start the swim far away from the place. Though, this did not ensure that she would not be attacked by Leopard she went a head to swim. I salute her for the risk she took.

S- Sacrifice! T - Training !!E -Endurance!!!E- Effort!!! are the success mantra of Bhakti Sharma. She is not only a proud Indian but Proud steel of will too. 

Dear readers and Friends, If you are inspired by Bhakti Sharma and feel she should be recognized for her victory and hardwork please vote for Bhakti Sharma here

“I’m voting for Bhakti Sharma's  #WillOfSteel and blogging on BlogAdda to help her get felicitated and eventually enabled by JSW.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Zemblanity to Serendipity

When Dishikta entered the new phase of life with the hopes of realization of all her dreams of marital bliss one by one, fate caught her by surprise. The surprise, which was a disappointment initially, turned gruesome when she realized the man she married is not the man that he poses to be.

Deep down he is only an unsociable, ruthless, barbaric animal, practicing the exact opposite of the feminism he is preaching. Dishikta tolerated everything with hope but couldn't when her body too started to suffer. The numb mind, which was caught up with the everyday misery, couldn't take it anymore. Friends and relatives turned against her by cruel husband who tells imaginary stories. The guys loots all her money. Well, That’s no big deal. But he plunders all her confidence, innocence, happiness. He cleverly files a case against her to protect him form law. Husband bribes the lawyers with the money he looted from her and whitewashes all the truth again.

After a while Dishikta through hard work raises up, fights each accusation tooth and nail. Judge still delivers a partial justice, Dishikta smiles. Only she knows it was her exhaustion of tears and sadness that she is smiling.

She says, "but that’s alright. This is just a significant part of my life. I have experienced the unexpected and this doesn't surprise me anymore." She knows that she is only temporarily wounded. For she knows she will get up, collect herself, and continue the war- till the war or her life- whichever is weak will give up first.

Sometimes, Life does not seem to work out as expected. "A break-up, financial loss, major accident, broken marriage or a wrong relationship, letdown in professional life” - it could be anything that has a negative impact in our life. One question that would definitely pop up in our mind would be "why me,?"
Well, it’s not only with US. It’s with everyone. Remember you are not alone. Look around the people, they have hundreds of reasons to worry about, still they live their life cheerfully. We can’t avoid those incidents, but we can prepare our self to adapt to those circumstances with an optimistic energy.  Learn from those mistakes and incidents. Let’s convert all our struggles, pains and experience into something positive that would help us in long run.
Come on, You are a cherubic!!!. You have lot of worthy things to explore in life.

Wake up! Rise!!
Make your life more interesting and cheerful with positive things. !!
Let Devil and Negativity envy you!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

If I get that Second Chance

If I get that Second Chance 

“The last date for income tax declaration is 03/02/2015.” My eyes browsed the dates and I ignored the e-mail since I have 3 more days for it. As I was about to shut down my system, my team lead came towards me and allocated a task.
“Sir, it’s a Friday evening. How do you expect me to do? I already got Friday Fever” I replied him and he gave a smile and left the place.
“Postponing the things” that the easiest and most lovable job in the world. As I stepped out of office, I saw a small kid begging. Whenever I cross her, I ponder something to do the child. But due to my busy schedule (really!?) I always ignored.
As I was about to catch an auto, a black car came towards me and hit me hard. I started to fly on the air like typical Bollywood movies and began losing the conscious. When I woke up later, I saw a guy dressed up heavily. He cross checked my face with his laptop and send a confirmation message in what’s app to someone.
“Is there any shooting going on” I asked with curiosity.
He got angry and replied, “I am Yama Raja”. He offered his hand as he said this. In the meantime, all the other people lord Shiva, Vishnu, Chitragupta joined us and I realised that I was dead in an accident and now in heaven (Hell!?)

Al of a sudden, I felt guilty for my tasks that was left untouched on the earth. I wished I could go back and fulfill my bucket list. I regretted for not completing my family responsibility. I had my passion burning that is yet to be achieved.

I went to Lord Shiva and pleaded, "Give me a second chance. Please. I would love fulfil my bucket list. I wish to live long"

Yama told in sarcastic voice. "Lord Shiva, she will never complete her wish list. Don’t give her second chance. She had just put off her works with lame justifications."
Silly Excuses... 
I replied Yama, "May be true. I have put off till yesterday because there were tomorrows. Since I realised that there is no tomorrow for me, I feel guilt for all those stupid excuses.”

Lord shiva thought for a while and said, "I will just give you just one more day to complete your top three stuffs that you have pushed off for the future”

I thanked Lord Shiva for offering me #SecondChance and the next moment I was on earth. I started to list the things that I have put off.

After making the above list, reality struck me. With just 24 hours I would not be able to fulfill all the things. So, I took one possible thing from each class that can be completed in a day.

  • Donate my organs:

Donating the organs was the easiest thing. Even though easy and its just 30 second task, I have been postponing it for years. I Launched Google and typed “donate my organs in India”. Research says that one person's tissue could save 8 people's life.
My life is achieved when at-least 3 people life is saved after my death. Thank you Blog Adda and MaxLife Insurance. Because of this contest, I have completed one of my wishlist today. :)

Google Search for Organ Donation 
My Organ Donation Registeration

  • Save/Protect my Family:
From past few months, I was planning to take a life insurance policy for myself and still planning, Planning, Planning....And, No more planning here after.
I am too young to take life insurance policy
I am healthy. Why should I take I take life insurance policy
Those are the answers I was happily giving in order to avoid taking an insurance plan.
But after the incident with Yama Raja, I understood that Life is a tale and it gifts us with un-predictable incidents. I understood that it’s a wise decision to forecast all the contingencies and take necessary action for it. I will research about Max insurance and will take a term insurance policy to cover my family and secure them financially

  • Sky driving:

This is the one I am going to do for myself. I am an adventure (or Crazy!?) person and love to crave my journey with all exhilarating reminiscences. Right from my childhood I wish to fly like a bird.  Sky driving is offered in Mysore, Karnataka. Though it’s just 143 KM from my home, I postpone every weekend. I would love to go ahead and try the Static Jump sky driving and float like a bird in the air with all the icy misty cloud around me.

The day got over, when I completed sky driving. As I was waiting for Yama Raja to take my life back, I heard a sound. It was so familiar to me. It was similar to “walk in the forest Alarm tone,” It kept repeating and increasing. My hands started to scan my bed for the mobile. I hit the snooze button and again went back to sleep.

An inner voice shouted,
“Future is not guaranteed and there is no #SecondChance. 
Wake up from sleep. . . 
Wake up from laziness. . .  
Wake up from Silly Excuses. . .  
Chase your passion and complete your bucket list. . . 
 Finish all the possible tasks by today itself. . . 
There is No SecondChance"

This post is a part of the #SecondChance activity at BlogAdda in association with MaxLife Insurance”.

Friday, December 5, 2014

5 interesting places I would like to visit

5 interesting places I would like to visit 

I am a person who loves to travel a lot and explore new places. It helps to connect me with nature and rejuvenate myself. New Year is round the corner and its time to make the Wish list (Travel list) for 2015.
In 2015, I would like to Visit 5 interesting places that I always dreamed about.

Chadar Trek (Zanskar Trek) - Frozen River/Zanskar River
Chadar Trek would be the defaulter in the bucket list of every aspiring trekker. I am really sort of words to describe about the beauty and charm of this river during January. I have had explored Beach trekking, trekking in deep rain forest, Night trekking, full moon day beach trekking, But a Trek on Frozen river?
From the moment I heard "trekking on a Frozen River", my soul fell in love with it without my knowledge. Its repeated discussion with my co-trekkers made me to long for this. This trekking is best only during the month of January, since only during that time, the Zanskar River freezes down to ice. It’s the most challenging trek and adventurous trek with duration of 8 Nights/9 Days covering a total distance of 105 km. The temperature would be around 15 to 20 degrees (during the day) and -25 to -35 degrees (during the night). My friends told me that, the tea gets frozen off as soon as they take if off from the fire make it hard to difficult to drink. Sounds so thrilling right? And yes, I had already booked my flights tickets and have planned for it during 16 Jan 2015 to 24 Jan 2015
Wondering why the name Chadar? It means thick blanket of the snow. Counting my days to trek on the snow blanket!!!

Boston, United States:
Source -
If Chadar trek is a dream destination for all passionate trekkers, participating at-least once in Boston Marathon would be life-time achievement for all athletes. The Boston Marathon is one of the oldest and prominent race in united states and in order to qualify to run in Boston Marathon, a person should meet their previous record of 3hrs 35min 00sec in their gender and age category. For my gender and age category it is record of 3hrs 35min 00sec, which is equal to a pace of 8:50 per mile. Registration has been already opened for the year 2015 and it’s scheduled on the Massachusetts Patriots’ Day i.e. April 20, 2015.
I would be so pleased if I get a chance to participate in Boston Marathon once in my life time, if not at-least once I should visit Boston to see and encourage those veterans running.

Mount Kilimanjaro 

still from the movie Robot 
It’s in my bucket list to visit at least ONE of the Seven Wonders of the World before I die. Among the Seven Wonders of the World (new list), my first preference would be Mount Kilimanjaro which is otherwise called as Machu Picchu, Peru. Why not Taj Mahal or Great Wall of China? Why am I specific about this world wonder? It’s because of the 2 reasons; first it’s the highest mountain in Africa. Second, I loved it from the time, Rajinikanth and Aishwarya Rai danced for the song Kilimanjaro in the movie Robo(Enthiran). The complete “Kilimanjaro” was shot in Mount Kilimanjaro and the picturesque mountain attracted me. This is also called as Mountain of Light

I am yet to find the reason for falling in love with Melbourne. My favorite pet is Penguin. I love its goofiest look and it’s so cute. I love watching them swimming and its jump into the air are just amazing. I know in Melbourne there is a dedicated place for penguin named "Penguin Parade". Then I wanted to visit “Healesvile Sanctuary” and explore the animals that I had seen only in Animal Planet and Discovery channel. Last but not least, I wish to visit Eureka Sky deck 88 and wanted to view the inspiring Melbourne in all 380 degree angles.

Leshan Giant Buddha, China
Source - Wikipedia

I am a big fan of Buddha and follow his quotes. From my childhood, I have a huge collection of Buddha Statue and madly wanted to visit all Buddhist temples.If Kashi and Rameswaram are the holy and dream place for Hindus as a Buddha Follower I want to visit Leshan Gaint Buddha. This place has a 71-metre giant stone statue of Buddha with a bright smile on Buddha. So, I want to see Buddha with a height of 71-Metre.

There is one more in my wish list in other words I would say my die-hard desire, which is incredible and that cannot be clubbed with the above wishlist. That' Hiroshima and Nagasaki city in Japan.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki city in Japan:
When I was in school, History was always a boring subject and one can always see me sleeping in the class. But for one of the History lecture, I was completely awake and after reaching home I goggled to learn a lot about it. That's the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The explosion has washed out 2 cities, killing many people. I just closed my eyes and prayed god when I read another dreadful statement. “Still people have an effect due to the radiation exposure.”
I followed regularly about Hiroshima and Nagasaki from that day and now I am so proud to see their growth. One best example would be the large automobile industry Mitsubishi is in Nagasaki. I want to explore both the city Hiroshima and Nagasaki, meet the Japanese people, understand their culture, their positive attitude in coming up after such a tragedy incident.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Write your own Tribute

Write your own Tribute

I was reading the book, "You Can Be Happy" by Daniel Freeman & Jason Freeman and in
the chapter, "WRITE YOUR OWN TRIBUTE" the author prompts a sensible question, "Imagine that you are coming to the end of your life. What would you like to have achieved? How would you wish to be remembered?"

My curiosity arose and it did not stop me from asking few of my friends.  Here are the amazing answers given by my friends.

Nachi, A Blogger 
Same way as Charles Dickens.

Drupa -
I would like to be remembered as someone who dared to dream, and also managed to achieve his dream.....I don't want to be remembered as a loser who dared to dream....I am scared of that.....

As what I was. Straight forward and caring person. Someone whom they try to
reach when they are in terrible days (And I completely agree with Ramya, she is a person whom we can knock her door at 3.00 in the midnight and scream out our problems :P ) 

Ashay, Organizer, Bangalore Hikers
Never Imagine.

Karthik Doss(Actor,Director and Cinematographer)
A good father, good husband, good son and a good friend. Simple!!

Viji Akka :
Organ donation.. I don't think anybody would remember you for life, for whatever u may!!! But definitely, they would remember me by my organs.

Rahini, Student
I'll want people to talk about me as someone very courageous caring loyal lovable and loved life to the fullest

I've had Lotz of bad experiences in my life yaaar which was fault of others, in-spite of being honest. I want them to remember on my honesty & sincerity

Saranya, Mother of a Beautiful Kid
I would like to be remembered as a good human being by others not by the money I am having or resources I am having....I want to be remember as Saranya....that’s it da. I want to get good name to my parents and i should get good education, good job, limited money at last and least peaceful life

Santhosh, Software Techie
I would not want to remember me by all people. Rather I would like to remember by the people who are close to me at least and achievement is something which is not quantifiable, so my achievement would be winning a permanent place at people heart who is close to me.

Deepa, Lecturer, Oxford Engineering College
I want people to remember as a girl who was there when they needed or as a normal girl who is down to earth. Just want people around me to be happy. That's all

My Little brother Vignesh:
I will donate my organs

And finally here is my answer.

An optimistic, charming and a loving daughter.  Always smiling and a person whom we would love to be around.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Million reasons to smile - A small Poem

A small Poem 

A Million reasons to smile
A Million to run a Mile..
A few steps for you and ME..
A Healthy start you will see..
Make Every hardships worthwhile..
Keep your hopes high..
Its time to smile..
And reach the Sky..