-- The Rebbe

I have been staying in Bangalore for last 2 years and have never been to Nandi Hills (summer palace of Tipu Sultan.). Me and my friends decided to get up early and go to Nandi Hills in the morning...
We searched in google, and found the bus to Nandihills departures at 8:30 AM from Majestice. We reached Nandi Hills by 11:00 AM.
By the time we reached the footstep of Nandi Hills, it was very sunny. As as we started climbing up, we saw monkey (our ancestors) coming and taking the foods, Pepsi from our hands. Even we lost our snaks pack :(
First thing we saw in Nandi hills was Tippu’s lodge. An very old lodge. It was like my grany house. we saw many cute baby monkey . Forgettable incident is "Shiv Parvathi Temple" whic has very small enterance. Even sanju has to bend to go inside.
We reached "Brahmashrama" cave which is being said that Sage Ramakrishna Paramhamsa meditated here once upon a time.
I took a photo near to "Danger Board" . D for Danger. D for Deepika :). We roamed around aimlessly for almost an hour in search of Nandi god. At last we reached "Nandi bull".
After taking a few walks away from Nandi bull we arrived a spot called "Tipu's Drop" from where Tipu Sultan used to throw his prisoners who were sentenced to death.
It was a bit disappointment for me, as I imagined a foggy, cool climate like ooty. But Enjoyed being out with friends after so many years. I planed to take my sister for next visit.
Giveaway ends January 25, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.