Zoom to Mekedatu.
We all decided to meet at Banashankari petrol bunk sharp at 6.00 AM. I felt hesitant, when my alarm sounded sharp at 4.30 and disturbed my sleep.
“Sunday 4.30?” I pushed myself so hard to get ready. But I never knew at that point, an array of rafting (kind of), open-top bus tour, trekking, Mountaineering, biking is waiting to treat us. 24 members gathered at Banashankari by almost 6.30 AM and after our introduction section, we zoomed to kanakapura to escape from Bangalore traffic. We were requested to turn on the fog lights, to identify our bikes. Since there were no traffic at that time, the road was totally engaged only with the BTC member’s bike. Almost 15 bikes with fog light roaring on a misty road – Phewwww it was an awesome view.
We were fortunate as it was drizzling till 4 AM and the surface of the roads were build up with coating of water. After having breakfast at kanakapuram, we kicked off our journey.
As I closed my eyes admiring the greenery and blue sky to capture the gentle breeze kissing on my face, I realised a hot blow on my face. When I opened my eyes, all I could see was a complete dark, black cloud. I could not see anyone in front. I made sure I was not wearing goggles (wondering that might the reason for gloomy). But to my dis-appointment, still it was complete dark. After racing few distance, we realised it was lorry spewing black smoke. Then we crossed a village and 3 hair-pin bends. We trooped the bikes to capture a snap in front of a hill view. The Hills were still partially covered with the fog and cloud.
We reached Sangama River and to reach Mekedatu, we need to cross the river. Since the water level was little high, we took bowl shaped coracles to reach the other end. Followed by my destructive questions, "What if the woven bamboo sticks in the coracles broke of?” we all got into coracles.
Once we crossed half of the river, the boat man jumped into the river as the water level was low and started walking in the water, by pulling the coracles
After crossing the river, we saw a bus which will take us to Mekedatu. If I could had have a chance to chat with my Grandparents’ grandparents, they might confirm, they have been in those buses during their child hood. Yeah, the bus was very very old. We sat on the top of the bus and had bumpy ride for 4 KMS. Someone had a question, how this buses could fill the petrol and check the air in the tyres? We travelled without making any Noise and as soon as someone crosses, we started shouting as high as we could and scared the people who were trekking on the road.

Finally we reached Mekedatu and was lost with the beauty of the stone designs. A gang of monkeys decided to start a war against us by exposing its teeth and tried to grasp our bags from the hand. But we all united and fought with the monkey to save our bags. The monkeys ran away with disappointment. After that, we splashed water on each other face and had good fun. Sorry not splashing, we actually poured dirty water by filling the water that was stored in between the rocks in water bottle and drenched everyone. One person who tried to escape from drenching his head, started running and slipped his leg and fell into a big pit and got completely wet.
We started to descend down and crossing Kanapura the rain started cats and dogs and few of our people rushed to bus bay and few had shelter in the petrol bunk. We finally reached Mysore road after enjoying the drizzle along with drenching in rain and bid bye to all of them.
From now on, Sunday are not to explore the dreams under bedsheets till 10 AM. Sundays are to explore the nature..