
Saturday, December 22, 2012

How to forget someone Death

A Boy & A Girl Loved Each Other Very Much….
Unfortunately The Boy Died………
Girl Was Upset Too Much & She Couldn’t Stop Her Tears….
She Kept On Crying Every Day……….
Many People Gave Sympathy But No Argument Could Stop Her Tears…………
One Night She Slept & Had A Dream……….
She Saw The Guy In Heaven With So Many Guys Of His Age…….
He Felt Relaxed…….
But She Noticed That Every Guy Was In Fairy Dress……&
Had A Lightened Candle In Their Hand……..
But Her Guy Had A Candle Which Was Not Lightened……..
She Asked Him:;”Why Your Candle Is Not Lightened?”……
He Said:-”Whenever I Lighten My Candle My Candle Your Tears Falls On It”

Please Don’t Cry For Whom You Really Love”
“Because They Dont Want You Too”♥

Monday, December 17, 2012

J.K Rowling - Secret of Success

My favorite motivational words from J.K Rowling, the author of Harry Potter “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default."

The author didn’t miraculously become richer than the Queen of England overnight. Despite of her divorce and raising a child on her own, she wrote the first Harry Potter book on an old manual typewriter.

Twelve publishers rejected the manuscript!!

A year later she was given the green light by Barry Cunningham from Bloomsbury, who agreed to publish the book but insisted she get a day job cause there was no money in children’s books.

What if she stopped at the first rejection? The fifth? Or the tenth?
The measure of success can be shown by how many times someone keeps going despite hearing only no. Lets take a pledge that we will succeeded despite failure and rejection.