
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Flying High with Loved Ones : A Journey of Love

When it comes to celebrating the special people in our lives, finding the perfect gift can be a challenge. For me, that special person is my husband, and I have always believed that a gift should be unique, memorable, and filled with love. 

Party like it's your day

Having previously presented him with 33 diverse gifts for his 33rd birthday, each with its unique meaning, I found choosing this year's gift to be quite a challenge. Moreover, he had already set the bar high for my own birthday celebrations. Hence, I was determined to create a birthday experience that he would cherish forever.

The Idea Takes Flight:
While I was brainstorming ideas for the perfect birthday gift, a conversation sparked by watching the movie "Vimanam" ignited his deep desire to take his parents on a flight journey at least once in their lifetime. That is when it hit me – his birthday gift would be a surprise flight experience for his parents!

The Planning:

With this exciting idea in mind, I started planning our journey. I knew that I had to keep this a secret from my husband to make it truly special. His parents were due to visit us in Bangalore around Grandparents' Day on September 9th, but they had not confirmed their travel plans yet due to thier work commitments.

Selecting the Destination:

Selecting the perfect destination was of paramount importance. I had to meticulously select a place that not only offered comfort but also catered to their health requirements, ensured timely meal arrangements, and a shorter travel duration. With just three days remaining, the timeframe was relatively short, and flight ticket prices were on the rise, while most resorts had already been booked. 

With these challenges, my plan was still wavering between various flight journeys, including options from Bangalore to Goa, Bangalore to Chennai, Bangalore to Coimbatore, or even Bangalore to Mangalore. However, since Goa and Mangalore were relatively unfamiliar to us, I decided to stick with the familiar route Chennai or Coimbatore.

I considered the itinerary which involved traveling from Bangalore to Coimbatore via flight and then reaching Erode via cab, but I had concerns that the trip might feel too short for the grand birthday celebration I had in mind.

Finally, after a lot of contemplation, I settled on the Bangalore to Chennai flight route, striking the right balance for our trip. But there was another decision to make – the destination. Should it be Chennai, Mahabalipuram, or Pondicherry?

The Surprise:

As soon as their parents confirmed their trip to Bangalore, on September 6th, I took the plunge and booked Air Asia flight tickets for all of us, including my 4-year son, who would be experiencing his first flight journey. I was thrilled but nervous, knowing that I had to keep this a secret from my husband until the big day.

Making it Extra Special:

Our flight was scheduled to land in Chennai at 5:15 PM, and the next item on my agenda was to arrange for transportation for our commute. When I attempted to rent a vehicle, I found that most rental services required us to go to their office to pick up the car and return it afterward, which would eat up a significant amount of our precious time. 

That is when my brain decided to sprinkle on some extra surprise and excitement. I reached out to the one and only Ganesh Anna for some expert advice. And guess what? He came up with this gem of an idea - "Take a pit stop in Mahabalipuram, a wonderful place" 

And just to show how grateful we were for his "world-class" expertise, we convinced him to lend us his car for a two-day. He was such a sweetheart that he showed up at the airport, car keys in hand, ready to hand over the keys for our ride!

So, here is the master plan, folks! The Itinerary goes like this:

**Saturday: ** The big day! At 12 o'clock sharp, I will unveil the surprise to my husband. The next day book us a cab to whisk us away to Bangalore airport. Our destination: Chennai. From there, we will head straight to Mahabalipuram for a peaceful night's stay, where we can kick back and bask in the coastal beauty.

**Sunday:** After a leisurely morning in Mahabalipuram, we'll either make our way to Pondicherry or decide to stay and explore Mahabalipuram itself (which we lovingly call "Pondy Junier."). 

Then, on Monday, we will return to Erode or Bangalore. 

Birthday surprise: Mission accomplished

As the days drew closer to my husband's birthday, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The anticipation of the surprise and the joy of creating this special memory for my husband and his parents filled my heart with happiness. Sometimes, the best gifts are not material possessions but experiences that bring loved ones closer together, and I couldn't wait to see the smiles on their faces as we embarked on this unexpected travel. Stay tuned to find out how the surprise unfolds and the memories we create along the way!

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Managing Motherhood and Work

 We all have been there – juggling our roles as professionals and moms.

Picture this: We are in the middle of an important client meeting. You have prepped, engaged and are totally ready to nail the pitch and have practically put a "Do Not Disturb" sign on your forehead. And then, it happens – the door creaks open, and your little one walks in, wide-eyed and curious.


You have laid down the ground rules as strict as a military boot camp and requested no interruptions, declaring a state of  "No Interruption- No-Entry Zone!" 

But kids have their own sense of timing, don't they? They barge in, like a volcanic eruption, shouting with boundless enthusiasm and energy. In that moment, a surge of emotions washes over you – a mix of frustration, embarrassment, and even a tinge of guilt. You shoot a quick glance toward your child, silently pleading for them to understand the gravity of the situation.

But here's the thing: your child's innocent entry isn't a sign of disregard for your work or your instructions. It's actually a beautiful display of their love and their longing for your attention. Their little hearts don't understand the intricacies of corporate meetings or deadlines. What they do understand is that their mommy is in that room, and they just want to share a moment, even if it's brief.

You might have caught that glimpse of sadness on your child's face as you gave them the stern look, and in that moment, something profound hits you – the realization that in our quest to excel as professionals and parents, we might unintentionally be hurting the ones we cherish the most. As young moms, we often find ourselves walking a tightrope, trying to strike that elusive balance between our demanding careers and the endless demands of motherhood.

So, what can we do? How do we manage these conflicting worlds without sacrificing our own well-being or the happiness of our children?

Communication is key. As your child grows, involve them in your work life to the extent that they can understand. Share stories about what you do, and explain why those meetings matter. This can create a sense of connection and even pride in what you achieve.

Consider setting up dedicated "mommy time." In the midst of your busy day, allocate pockets of time when you can give your undivided attention to your child. These moments, even if short, can work wonders in reinforcing the bond between you.

And finally, let go of the guilt. Remember that you are doing an incredible job – you are not just a mom, but a role model showcasing the essence of dedication, hard work, and love.

So, the next time your child interrupts a meeting, pause for a second. Take in their innocent smile or the sparkle in their eyes, and remember that these fleeting moments are the ones that create the cherished memories. Embrace the journey of being a young mom, with all its ups, downs, and unexpected interruptions. After all, it's these very interruptions that might just be the most beautiful part of your day.